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Health & Safety Promise

The health and safety of our employees and customers is our top priority. The Canton Cleaning Company practices a thorough protocol to protect both staff and the people you care about. Viruses and bacteria are transferred through a multitude of avenues including: person to person contact and the contamination of surfaces or objects.

Our team is equipped with several years of industry experience, including over 15 hours of classroom training which includes several practices of cleaning, personal hygiene, equipment care and health safety operations.


Additionally, cleaning equipment such as buckets, mops, vacuums are required to be clean from dirt, dust, hair and debris and then disinfected upon the entrance of a new customer’s location. Supplies such as cleaning cloths and mop heads are required to be new or freshly laundered with bleach. The use of tobacco, vaping or other forms of smoking is strictly prohibited. Team members are also required to stay at home in the case of any illness.

The Canton Cleaning Company’s personnel is equipped with various types of cleaning chemicals. Whether you prefer the use of Eco-friendly products, traditional household cleaning products, hospital grade disinfectant, bleach or old-fashioned soap and water please connect with us to best understand your preferences. If not requested personally by our clients, we NEVER use bleach on site.

We ask that our customers practice necessary social distancing measures when our staff is onsite. Additionally, if you or anyone at your location is currently ill, please notify us. Cancellation of the appointment may be avoided unless there are outbound symptoms such as cough and fever and our staff member is unable to work in a separate area from the household member who is ill. Once anyone onsite is symptom free or the area is clear of all ill household members experiencing symptoms, we are happy to perform a thorough disinfecting and deep cleaning.

The Canton Cleaning Company appreciates our trusted clients. Please feel confident that we are taking all the necessary measures to ensure we are protecting both our staff and you.

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