Windows and glass get really dirty, and they tend to get that way rather quickly. Whether it’s from weather elements, pet noses and paws, fingerprints, or general dirt build up, windows and glass in general tend to highlight any dirt or grime that happens to be on them.
When it comes to cleaning windows and glass, it can be frustrating when we are cleaning, due to sometimes leaving a streaky mess in place of dirt and smudges. That's where we at The Canton Cleaning Company come in to help! We have some tips and tricks to help nip those pesky streaks right in the bud.
choose your cleaning spray
There is a plethora of glass cleaning sprays that can get the job done. Here are just a few as well as some that you can make at home!
Windex (ye old faithful)
Sprayway Glass Cleaner (this is in an aerosol can and should not be in prolonged heat due to it containing gas under pressure)
Here are three homemade streak free glass cleaners that can be used in a spray bottle
½ cup white vinegar.
½ cup rubbing alcohol.
1 tablespoon cornstarch.
10 drops essential oil (lemon, orange or grapefruit)
1 cup distilled water
2-3 tbsp. white vinegar
1/4 cup rubbing alcohol
16 oz hot water
A few drops mild dishwashing liquid
say no paper towels

Paper towels have been around forever and are often times the first thing we think of using while cleaning, but are they the best choice? Paper towels leave particles behind, can be a bit wasteful, and are usually more expensive instead of using washable microfiber towels. Yes, the grab and go of paper towels is technically easier than making sure your microfibers are clean and ready, but in the end you will yield better results and save money with the reusable option. We aren't here to judge though, just here to help!
Microfiber cloths for the win

Microfiber cloths are a must have for your cleaning supplies. Not only are they not going to scratch up your glass, they are machine washable and lint free. You want to make sure that you are always using a clean cloth everytime you clean to prevent old dirt or grime from transferring to your windows or glass. If you notice some major wear and tear with your microfiber cloths, stop using them for wipedowns and use them for floor clean ups, staining wood, wiping up spills, or whatever your heart tells you to use them for. The sky's the limit!
Clean window sills before window glass

Window sills can get incredibly dirty and very quickly due to only being protected by a screen from the outside elements. This means that there is going to be dirt, bugs and everything else that the outside world can bring in. You will want to clean these first to help with the cleanliness of your windows. This can be done with a cloth, rag, sponge or toothbrush with some multipurpose cleaning solution. Make sure to check the bottom of your actual window as well to make sure you aren't going to dirty up the sill after you just cleaned it. You will want to clean those out and then wipe dry before closing your windows.
Clean that glass like you mean it
Fold your clean microfiber cloth and spray your prefered solution. Start wiping with even pressure by going in an up and down motion, and or circular until you go from left to right and or right to left. If your glass is super dirty, unfold the cloth to make sure you are always using a clean and dry part to avoid unwanted smudges. Sometimes we need to clean our glass a couple times to get it streak free finish. Just make sure that if your cloth is dirty to grab a new one!
Wash your microfiber cloths
Making sure that we wash our microfiber cloths after every use is ideal and crucial for their upkeep. When washing them, its best to wash them separated from other items due to the cloths trapping lint, hair and debri from any clothes or towels that could be washed with them. This then defeats the purpose of "lint free' due to the cloths now having lint from other items on them. Using cool water and air drying, or delicate drying cycles can also help with the longevity of your microfiber cloths. Also making sure to use a bleach free detergent.

There we have it folks! We have streak free glass so that we can see the outside world as it's intended. All in all we learned that microfiber towels are the superior wiping choice, and that making sure that you're applying even pressure is key. Remember, if you start to see lint or smudges, either use a clean part of the cloth, get a new one and or make sure that they are being washed separately from other articles of clothing or towels.